Ken Valenti
Tannus Armour Bundle with or without Tubes
Didn't work for me
I purchased new tires and a $95 Tannus bundle (2 inserts) for my Rad Wagon.
It literally took me hours to install this on just one wheel (rear). It went flat on my first ride.
I will be going back to tubes and sending these to the land fill (one brand new, one with less than a mile).
Dan Vu
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
Promising, but order and carry a spare tube!
Installation was a bit of a faf, but was just a matter of time before I got it on. I pumped up the included tube to 40 psi, thinking the only thing that could flat these would be a pinch flat. On my first ride, I rode some roads known for having goatheads on the side without any issue. I rode up a mountain fireroad and noted that the tire was impressively compliant, despite how much air I put in the tube. It wasn't until I turned around and had to come to a stop due to traffic. I must've stopped hard, as once I started rolling again, I felt the tire had gone flat. The tube was cut at the base of the valve.
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
Saved My Race Run.
Decided to give Tannus Armour a shot after struggling with the mess of tubeless, and not having a compressor to seat the tire.
They have been great, albeit a bit heavier than tubeless but the vibration dampening and the rim protection have made up for that!
I sliced my tire on a rock on my race run this earlier this season and the Tannus Armour Protected my rim so i could finish the run.(Granted I was riding it well above the recommended run flat speed.)
Overall I would recommend Tannus Armour if you want your bike to be quieter smoother and still have flat protection, without the fuss of tubeless.
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
Flat prevention?
I don't know how well these are supposed to work. But!! Got a flat in for months! My other bike 1 flat in 8 years and no inserts. and i run the same lines when I the black top. Finishing was the culprit! I must have hit it just right!! I couldn't push the nail through! Now the only gripe I have is that they claim you can ride you bike home with a flat! My but you can!! My rims wuz grinding just walking it home. Wish the marathon pros came in 4"! These inserts and those tire! Hmmmm sound like one heck of a mix!! Gunna give them one more tube try!! Then I'm adding Mr tuffys or Dillons.
Robert Skillin
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
I like the fact that I have protection now for my tires at some point I have to drop the air pressure when I'm not using the bike but that's okay however it does slow you down I do have to pump it up to at least 15 lb and that's equal to about 9 lb without the armor.
Federico L.
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
Compre de acuerdo a la medida de mi bicicleta, pero venia mas grande el producto tuve que modificarlo, lo cual no debiara ser
Amazon Customer
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
I waited to review this because I wanted this to be thoughtful and helpful. This review is after putting these on 2 bikes with over 500 miles on each road bike. I needed a solution, I live in the worlds capital of goat head thorns I think. I would flat every other ride. At first, I loved them, a dozen rides without flatting. Then flatted 3 of 4 tires over 5 consecutive rides. I reached out to the manufacturer about why this might be happening and at first they were responsive, making sure I had the right size tires and tubes, etc. But when all that was right and I asked some additional questions and sent pictures, they
stopped responding. Here is what I figured out. Either the website or the box said to deflate the tubes after each ride. I did this religiously and when I flatted and was changing it, each of the tubes was folded over on itself and rubbed a hole in itself. I surmised that this must be related to the repeated pressure changes. When I stopped letting them flat after each ride, the flats stopped. I just keep them inflated all the time. I don't know how this will affect the longevity over all, maybe make them thinner and more likely to puncture? Anyway, once I figured this out, very happy with their performance.
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
the foam itself is very puncture resistant and it does exactly what its supposed to do.
important note: someone told me you should use a smaller tube than normal to allow the foam to expand inside the tire. DO NOT DO THIS. whoever said that is a certified clown from the university of clowns. with a smaller tube the tire and tube are loose and will eventually fail despite being at the recommended psi. if you get this just use the same tire tube size.
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
Front tire was easier than back tire to fit. Very tight on a 29er. Broke 6 tire levers doing the driven wheel. There is a technique to it. Tire is harder to get on if its in its final beaded position all way around. Need to crush the walls off the beed to give some rotational stretch.
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
Tough to put in. Didn't change my ride much. I'm confident it'll do it's job. I need to buy another.
Christina Richards
Armour Inserts
Installed on new Rover Ebike step thru
Had bike shop install front& rear 20x3 inserts other day, I'm bit afraid to ride as bike shop said 20 psi should be good, but my normal psi without is 45-65 psi, anyone recommend a good psi for my size tires on my e-bike? Seems little to low if tannus recommends only 5 to 10 psi less than normal. They do feel pretty firm at 20psi. But still worry alittle. I don't want to run to much or too little. Thku
Armour Inserts
Whoops! I had a catastrophic tire failur
I made the mistake of not reading the directions which state “We recommend starting out 5-10 psi lower than what you normally ride…” My tire exploded (louder than a gun shot) at a stop light and ripped my sidewall. DAMN! Lesson learned.
Armour Inserts
Great until the tube valve stem got sepa
I am a weekend rider. Mostly ride on dirt trail in Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge in Colorado. Goats thorns are everywhere. Flat tire is a thing to deal with every time I hit the trail. I carried tire repair kits that saved me multiple occasions 10-15 miles from home. Finally I found Tannus and ordered on September 5, 2021. It was great and I did not need to carry tire repair kits. After 100 days with Tannus Armor (about 15 rides), I noticed that the rear tire got flat in the middle of nowhere. I examined the rear tire and it was found that the valve stem disappeared from the tube. I walked back home 5 miles. I was disappointed that the tube failed but the armor worked well. I am not sure if the tube was lemon or not. During 100 days (about 15 rides), I was expected to patch the tubes about 10 times but there was no flat tire incident. I would remove 2-3 goats thorns per tires after every ride. I got the replacement tubes from Amazon and carry it with me. I am confident that I will never have 5 mile walking home.....
Paul Abadia
Armour Inserts
Tired of frequent unexpected events with the wheels, she decided to purchase this product to solve these problems. The first impressions were that my trips were no longer smooth and calm since the touch feels super strong and on the other hand on this bike I used to go 23 miles per hour and now I can't go over 21, the issue of speed is not an issue for me
Taylor l Hunt
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
I've been abusing these inserts for 5,000 miles with 0 flats
If there's another Rambo sequel they'll be naming it "Armour." I live on gravel roads in Kansas (relatively close to the Dirty Kanza route for you gravel racing nuts.) Out here "gravel" actually means 0.5 - 1.5" rocks. On top of the gravel, my setup sporting the inserts is a ridiculously heavy electric bicycle I run at high speeds (30mph+) continuously. The inserts are running inside Schwalbe "Fat Frank" tires with kevlar sidewall protection.
With all the abuse I've thrown at them they just won't die. 5,000 miles deep and not a single flat. The only tire pressure adjustment the bike has seen is due to cold weather. I'm quite certain I've violated nearly all of Tannus' recommendations and even so they still keep coming back for more.
I'm not sure I even remember how to change a fat tire now and I'd like to keep it that way.
If I had another one, I'd give these inserts 3 thumbs up.
PS: Quick note to my fellow electric cyclists. You might be here reading this because you're non-negotiable when it comes to flats in the field. As am I. With a range of 30 miles and limited cell service; having a flat isn't ok. I'm also running Tannus Razorblades(airless) on a separate electric bike. The Armour inserts and the Razorblades have identical 0 flat track records. Love them both. The upside of the Armour inserts is being able to adjust pressure for different applications with and no explanation is required for how important rolling resistance is in terms of torque and efficiency.
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
I hesitated getting these because I'd seen complaints from others on the interwebz that they were hard to install and added too much weight to the bike. I did the math and saw they only add a tiny bit of weight and remembered *some people* are gram weinies and want their bikes to be made of angel dust or something else magical and remembered *some other people* complain about everything, first world probz, and consider just about everything to be too hard.
I snapped out of it and placed the order. Out of the box, the Armour's are made of tough material, soft and sponge-y and strong and light as air and were easy to install. I had no issues with their fitment at all, it's really not much different than changing a tube. In fact, I had to do one of them twice (I realized I got the tread on the first tire backwards). So after having installed THREE I can honestly say it wasn't any big deal at all. And my bike doesn't feel noticeably different than before, weight or ride. I'm just glad I have that protection now. The reduction of flat anxiety is worth the investment and effort. Glad I did this instead of pumping stupid, messy, expensive slime in my tires, something that has a lower success rate and requires regular refills. The Armours are a smart, one-time investment and are maintenance-free. What's the problem?
At this time I see no reason to give any less than a FIVE STAR rating. Will update the review if they don't perform as expected.
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
Best things
Just as good as cushcore inserts for rim protection but the best thing with the trannus armour is you can actually install them easily nothing like putting on a bloody Cush core takes me ages with a dh casing tyre
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
Extra flat protection is priceless
I just installed these on my MTB (29"x2.5"). The install was no harder than installing a tire but I did have a little difficulty with one tire wobbling. I tried "massaging" it like in the install video but that didn't help. I finally just uninstalled everything and reinstalled it being extra careful to line everything up (went much easier 2nd time around). I can't tell the difference but I am glad knowing I have the extra flat protection which is priceless. Highly recommended.
Fred P
Tannus Armour Tire Liners
These will change everything
Here in Douglas/Bisbee these will change everything-- I am going to show them to the Border Patrol and all my other friends. What a wonder solution to all types of riding
I am 76 years old now and I sure don't need to interrupt my time to ride fixing a flat - plus the roadways a very nasty and these liners smooth out the ride. I fix maybe a hundred bikes at my ranch every year and leaky tires are a pain. I have many bikes myself including E bikes but I mainly ride fixed if the wind is not too bad. If I would have had these liners during my past ? It would have changed that constant fear of flats. Thanks so much from an old framebuilder that also still rides a road bike that I made back in 1967 and it still is sweet.