I’ve long been a fan of hydrogel for healing since it first came out. I’ve used many brands and types over the decades both professionally and personally. When I saw Medagel Circles Plus Aloe Hydrogel Pads, I thought I’d give them a try.
What I Liked:
* They feel nice and cool when applied, which is comforting. They don’t contain any type of cooling agent, so it will warm up to your body temperature, but the hydrogel is still soothing.
* The protective covering peels off easily. This is no small thing as some of the brands I’ve used in the past are very difficult to get the backing off.
* They contain aloe which is just so good for skin care.
* They are a generous size.
* You can cut these to size easily and you may well need to do this because they are a generous size to begin with. Just be sure to cut them before you remove the protective covering.
* They are made in the US.
What I Didn’t Like:
* They are non adhesive, so in most cases you're going to need to hold them in place with some other type of bandage or wrapping. This may or may not work out. The first time I used them was for a minor finger injury. I cut off a small piece and then wrapped it with a small piece of self-adhering elastic wrap. It didn’t work out. The hydrogel kept sliding off the injured area. I ended up using a band aid.
* These are not sterile! It is important to keep that in mind when using these over open areas or wounds. I’m not planning on using them on any wounds unless they are minor and I’ll be putting on antibiotic ointment first.
* While there is a lot number on the label, I didn’t see any expiration date.
These have their place in the medicine cabinet, but aren’t going to be as versatile as I had hoped. I’ll be using them for minor skin irritations and times when I want some cushioning. I thought they were a bit high on the price, especially for a hydrogel that isn’t self adhesive. They do work, you just have to do some extra work to maximize their use.