I just received my order from High Spirits Flutes, and I am struck by how beautiful they are! As a total novice to flute playing, their many videos on this site and YouTube have been incredibly helpful. I purchased seven different flutes (Double Nova Bass 'D,' Double Nova Bass 'E' (ASF), Nova Double Flute - key of A, Nova Double Flute - key of G, Spirit Flute 432 Hz Bass - Key of B - Spanish Cedar, Spirit Flute Traditional Bass - Key of C, Sacral Chakra Spirit Flute - key of bass D) and love each one of them. Each is a work of art in its own way, from the sweet sounds to the finish and attention to detail. Getting them on sale was a true bonus that allowed me to purchase far beyond what I originally planned. Figuring out the embouchure and then ensuring that each hole is tightly covered has allowed me to create beautiful sounds in only a few hours. It probably helped me figure this out because I've been improving my playing deep sounds on the Digibox (Didgeridoo). Crazy fun instrument, by the way... Lol.
I've been playing guitar (6/12), bass, mandolin, and more for most of my life. Now into synths for the last couple of years, I invested in these beautiful flutes to add something more to the music I am working on. Hopefully, I will be able to use these in the audio version of the books I plan to record over the next year (I am a science fiction novelist in my spare time - six books, seventh out in Q1/Q2 2024).
I highly recommend investing in the beautiful flutes.
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