
I got one of these many years ago. One year I was up at Esalen in Big Sur and tried using it as a bird call which definitely seemed to be working with the local Condors. There were some Huichol Indians there at the time and one of them, a famous shaman named Don Juan de la Cruz, talked me in to giving it to him. I miss that little flute but I know it is doing it's job in the Sierra Huichol.
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I got this whistle some years ago and have enjoyed. I can only get six notes out of it but find that very acceptable for such a small instrument. I have added a little eagle bone to the beginning or end of a flute solo when playing for others.
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I don't have one of these yet, but I hope you'll have them for sale on 6 April at the S Az Flute Festival.
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Love this whistle, it is unique and quite capable of producing many notes.
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