This is working on my HS!
I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, a VERY painful skin condition. Over the last 20+ years, I have tried everything to reduce flare ups. From things as mild as turmeric cream and cutting out nightshades….All the way up to antibiotics and bleach baths. Including 3 different prescription pills and antibiotic topical gel. None of them helped.
Yesterday I used some reset powder mixed with DewDab on a flare up under my arm. Prior to this, every single topical application sat on top of my skin. Not this combo. My skin ABSORBED it. I checked on it 3 hours after application and there were only two tiny specks of black on pores where my body absorbed it. The contents of the boil changed from white to grey proving it was beneath the surface.
Before bed, I applied more, including Ozonated Zippity DewDab on top of it.
This morning, the area was much larger and more painful. But it’s because the boil’s deeper layers were getting closer to the surface. It started draining on its own. With zero smell! (That’s 1 of the grossest aspects of this condition) This spot has flared 15+ years. Over that time, layers of scar tissue formed. But they are draining! I had to stop because I got super dizzy. But will resume working on that spot.
So many people live with HS and suffer in silence because of the shame and pain. My years of effort paid off. I’m getting actual relief for the first time in my life. THANK YOU for making quality products that will charge not only my skin, but also my life.
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