Anne T.

This product is wonderful, but it is critical that you don't over use it at first. I find one mini scoop does a litre of water that I add essential oils too. Makes a wonderful flavoured water. This stuff is a fine powder, not granuals, so it takes a little work to mix in. Some people have posted here that it tastes like dirt- if you put it straight on your tongue, I find you can tell it comes from a real plant. If your really used to chemical sweeteners or sugar, it may need to grow on you. I am so thrilled to finally have a guilt- free sweetener that actually has health benefits of its own. This stuff is wonderful, and I'd encourage the critics to be a little patient while their taste buds adapt, and remember - a little dab will do you! Eating one leaf off my stevia plant is enough for my mouth to complain it's too sweet!


Okay, least objectionable; does that rate a 5 star? It does for me. I don't crave sweets, and don't use sweetener in my drinks, so I don't need a lot. One micro-scoop in an almond cookie recipe gives just the right amount of sweetness without an aftertaste. The key is to use the minimum amount of sweetener with another flavoring that masks any aftertaste. I also find that this product doesn't change my taste perceptions, as erythritol does (for me, even water tastes unpleasant after eating erythritol). While this product may seem expensive ($8.25 for 1.3 ounces), there are 370 servings in a bottle. If I make keto blueberry pancakes every day (1 micro-scoop for a 2 person recipe), one bottle will last over a year. Other pluses - pure Stevia, non-GMO, zero calories, zero carbs.


I have been using Steviva stevia for about 10 years now. It is the best and safest sweetener that I can find. This product is non-GMO, pure, with no fillers, and they use a water process rather than chemicals to extract the product from pure stevia leaves. My family loves the taste and it is the best value as well on Amazon. Be aware because there are no fillers, it is VERY concentrated. If it tastes bad, you are using too much. Start with the tiniest amount and then add more if you need it. I don't think that you will be disappointed. I use this everyday, and I don't even use 2 of these containers a year! They also have a blend that is very good for baking.

B. Barden

This is a great choice for stevia. A little goes a long way so this container can last for months (if used in just coffee!). I don't like the solubility of it. I was used to a different brand which was almost instant to dissolve in my coffee. I've tried this in hot, hot coffee, warm coffee, stirred into cream first and poured the coffee over it. It just doesn't like to dissolve! I have to stir and stir to be sure I'm not going to get all of it in one swallow (that wasn't so fun when that happened!). Taste is pretty good; only the slightest bitterness at the end. Overall I think this is a good stevia and it was a great deal when I bought it.


I've used Steviva for over four years now. It has brought sanity to my life when I am not allowed to eat 'any' sugar products. Most sweetners claim 'no sugar' yet they have dextrose which is sugar. Stevivia is a pure, non sugar sweetner. Don't fall for the other scams. I recommend this product to my clients. Never have I heard a complaint. At first it might seem bitter, so start lightly and add as you adjust your tastes. Sugar controls our lives so moving away from this powerful agent is a process, not overnight!


For some reason our local Whole Foods stopped carrying this product. There is another brand of stevia that comes in a similar package but is full of so much filler that you have to use about 6 times as much to get the same amount of sweetness as you get with the Steviva brand. So, I'm really glad I can get this through Amazon. It's totally worth the price because you only need a tiny amount so it lasts a long time. My husband and I both use it in our coffee and one container lasts about 2 months.


I've bought Stevia for about 10 years and Amazon is the best price place right now. I'm constantly reviewing web for the best offer and this offer is the best buy in my opinion. I am a staunch believer that Stevia is the best and safest sweetner on the market today. When you can eliminate 78,000 calories from your diet each week it's definately A smart choice.

larry duda

i just got a bottle of stevia,it has a little tiny spoon the size of two match heads,three of those little spoons will sweeten a 20 oz cup of coffee,is a good deal,well worth the money an taste real good too. i recomend it. it says one bottle is good for 371 cups of coffee,no dought in my mind, try it you'll like it larry duda


Bought locally at a specialty store. Love it in all kinds of beverages except black coffee. For some reason it changes taste unless you use cream. Also love saving calories. Will buy from Amazon next time (price is better). Marilyn


Best deal on pure stevia we've found! No fillers, no fiber, no "blend", just the real deal. We substituted 1/4 tsp SteviaSweet for 1 cu of sugar in a brownie recipe and it was almost too sweet. Great bang for the buck!


I love this product and use this instead of regular cane sugar. Just a little of this product produces a great amount of flavoring. The product lasts me close to 6 months or so. Great investment.


Love this product in the fact that it takes VERY LITTLE to sweeten up your favorite foods. Also, being good for your body too, as it’s natural alkaline properties can help your insides.

Desert Blues

This is my favorite brand of Stevia. It tastes great and dissolves quickly. It seems to be a little granular as opposed to powdery. Good stuff!

Amazon Customer

I keep a little jar in both my cars and in the kitchen. I have you sugar in ages and this by far is the best tasting Stevia I have found.

lacy w johnson

It’s pricey for the amount in bottle. But I would buy it again because I like the taste . Sweetens my coffee just right!
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