I'm actually reviewing the Sukrin Gold Syrup because I have not yet used the brown sugar. I bought this to use in sugar free Southern Pecan Pie for the Thanksgiving Holiday to replace the traditional Karo. The pie turned out as delicious as the original that in the past I made with Karo, and I was excited to see a traditional favorite recipe turned in to a safer, just as delicious choice. It's very pricey though and is a small quantity in the bottle. I think it had about a cup and a half so you might get enough for three pecan pies using two bottles. I could not find this locally so will probably reorder for next year's pecan pies. I have tried another brand of sugar free fiber syrup which worked as well, but I personally liked the flavor of this syrup better in my pecan pies. I only used this in baking pecan pie. I used the traditional recipe, and did not use xanthan gum or thickener, which in my opinion ruins the texture of pecan pie.