I have used this product for several years, and absolutely love it, because it disinfects, without being toxic. I first started using the smaller bottles, for facial cleanser, and found myself using it for other purposes around the home. This became rather pricey. I looked at the labels for the active ingredients on both the Clean Smart gallon, and the small bottle labeled for use on the body. It is the exact same thing! The company is not allowed to market the Clean Smart, in the same category, because of gov. regulations. Now I just purchase the large container, and refill my smaller bottles, for facial cleansing, and carrying in my purse for disinfecting hands, and objects while shopping. I use it both in my home and my pet grooming salon, in an electrostatic sprayer, and spray bottles. I'm not sure what gives some people the idea that this is watered down Clorox, that they can make at home, but there is a huge difference. You would not want to use Clorox around your eyes, or any other body parts for that matter. Clean Smart is non toxic, and YES, it does what it says, and is a pretty powerful disinfectant. I use it exclusively in my kitchen. It is wonderful for spraying on fresh fruit and veggies from the grocery, to disinfect them. I have used this all over my face, including eyes, (it does not sting), mouth and even on cotton swabs to disinfectant inside of my nostrils after being out and about. I have sprayed it on cold sores, and it made them disappear faster than any drugstore meds that I have used! I wipe down my Yorkie's face, feet, and bottom with it. I know I sound like an advertisement for this product, but I love that I have found a non toxic cleanser, that can be used , on just about anything. If you are not sure about purchasing this, because of bad reviews here, I can only say, that the people leaving them, should educate themselves about how the product is formulated, and the correct way to use it.
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